Quick Day1 summary
Vagrant - multi machine using Debian buster64
Link : https://github.com/omerlin/yncrea-virtualization-labs/tree/main/vagrant/buster64
Drawing done with drawio tool
Portable version here: drawio portable version
The above PNG file example: Virtualbox network with 4 Debian machines - Drawio
Restart the buster64 labs using vagrant
Reminder on VBOXmanager:
- vboxmanage command (See cheatsheet VBOXManage )
- Snapshot of machine
- Restore of machine snapshot
: update your VM
- Update the Debian OS (
apt-get update
) - Stop the VMs
- Take a snapshot of the all your boxes
Reminder on MobaXterm installation
Get the portable version, install it and define a location for home directory (in settings/General)
Mobaxterm aliases reminder
You can connect using 3 ways:
* using the GUI
* using vagrant command vagrant ssh
* using VboxManage startvm
VBoxManage is the best option - tell me why ? :Like:
To start all the VM from a bash script (mobaXterm for instance)
# bash way to start all the Vms
for k in `vboxmanage list vms | cut -d '"' -f 2`; do vboxmanage startvm $k --type headless; done
# Same to stop all the Vms cleanly
for k in `vboxmanage list runningvms | cut -d '"' -f 2`; do vboxmanage controlvm $k poweroff soft; done
# powershell
vboxmanage showvminfo controller --details| select-string 'Nic 1 rule'
# bash
vboxmanage showvminfo controller --details| grep 'NIC 1 Rule'|cut -d ',' -f 4|cut -d '=' -f 2|xargs
# all the boxes port
for k in `vboxmanage list vms| cut -d '"' -f 2`; do port=$(vboxmanage showvminfo $k --details| grep 'NIC 1 Rule'|cut -d ',' -f 4|cut -d '=' -f 2|xargs); echo "$k -- $port";done
File ~/.ssh/config to define a SSH alias on Linux.
# This path depends n your installation
cd $(cygpath $USERPROFILE)/MyApp/yncrea-virtualization-labs/vagrant/buster64
# Get private keys and copy them in $HOME/.ssh directory
for k in `find . -name "private*"`; do t=$( echo $k|cut -d '/' -f 4 ); cp -f $k ~/.ssh/id_$t; done
Then you need to configure aliases in the ~/.ssh/config file
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
StrictHostKeyChecking no
PasswordAuthentication no
IdentitiesOnly yes
LogLevel INFO
Host controller c1
User vagrant
Port 2202
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_controller
LocalForward 8000 localhost:8000
Do the configuration and test it
Alternative: Host-only network
One may advantage: you can interract directly with the Host and thus be reachable from WSL 2 VM.
As WSL2 VM are very light this is a great advantage.
To configure it it's easy. You need a Host network.
This can be created with the GUI or :
vboxmanage hostonlyif create
vboxmanage list hostonlyifs
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
config.vm.define "controller" do |worker|
worker.vm.allow_hosts_modification = true
worker.vm.hostname = "controller"
worker.vm.box = "bionic64"
worker.vm.network "private_network", ip: "",
name: "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter"
worker.vm.provision "shell", path: "../scripts/install.sh"
worker.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
v.name = "controller"
v.memory = 1024
v.cpus = 1
Basic of Docker & Docker slimming
Just a reminder of basics
Reminds also about the docker network labs
build and execute a small nodeJS application
- Start worker1 for instance
- You need to clone the link in one VM
git clone https://github.com/omerlin/yncrea-virtualization-labs.git
cd yncrea-virtualization-labs
- build the docker image
- start the image (don't forget to expose the port)
- test the image from a browser
Pushing image to a repository
You need to have an account on https://hub.docker.com
docker images
# You get the image id you built locally
docker tag <<image_id>>>> omerlin/nodeapp:v01
docker login -u omerlin
docker push omerlin/nodeapp:v01
Docker compose
We will redo a quick labs on it Still on worker1, go to the yncrea-virtualization-labs git project
Install docker-compose in your Linux box (worker1 for instance), using:
sudo apt install docker-compose
Now, we will update the small nodejs application, to persist data in a Mysql database.
Look carefully at the docker-compose.yml
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 |
Line | Description |
line 4 |
it's better to put the build image name |
line 9 |
without this restart: on-failure, it fails as the Node program start before the database up |
line 14 |
this refers the db container |
line 17 |
we expose the port for other pods in the overlay network |
You may have remarked all the images are Alpine based images
Make it working ... There is a small trap