VirtualBox cheatsheet
The CLI tool to do all Virtualbox operations: VBoxManage
Useful links
Add your Virtualbox location to your environment PATH
List VMs
VBoxManage list vms
Running VMs :
vboxmanage list runningvms
Includes hidden VMs created by Vagrant
Start VM
In headless mode
VBoxManage startvm worker1 --type headless
Stop VM
Clean way to stop machines:
vboxmanage controlvm worker1 poweroff soft
Snapshot VM
VBoxManage snapshot worker1 take snap-worker1-initial --description="initial state"
List snapshot
VBoxManage snapshot worker1 list
Restore a snapshot
VBoxManage snapshot { uuid|vmname } restore { snapshot-name }
Delete VM
VBoxManage unregistervm VMNAME --delete
List forwarded VM ports
VBoxManage showvminfo VMNAME --machinereadable | Select-String -Pattern 'Forwarding'
Select-String is a PowerShell command
VirtualBox Help
Simply type VBoxManage - You will see how rich is this CLI command You can do all that is possible with the GUI and more ...