Quizz time
You are now under pressure ...but don't panic ... This is not difficult (less than what we have seen so far)
Your examination
You install a client Quizz frontend application and then you execute the Quizz
Sequence Diagram
The application is located in the repository Go kub quizz
So you need to do a :
git pull
You will need to build your own docker Python container locally.
This means you will have to create a Dockerfile
- Then you will publish this container to your own account on http://hub.docker.com
- Then you create the manifest Yaml file to deploy this container as a pod on your K3S cluster.
- (Option) You can package it as a Helm package
- Having done this you will need to access the service port to launch a Quizz.
Something like: http://localhost:34600/quizz
You execute the quizz until the end ..., and you are done !
Information about this small application
You have requirements on Python to manage.
Your container expects the file config.yml
to be in the directory /etc/quizz
you need to change your user
name in the config.yml
with your Yncrea email.
Information are exchanged with the server located on http://quizz.cossme.pw
You can simply deploy on Docker as this is a very simple application ... ... But be aware you loose 3 points doing that ...
K3S deployment is the right way to go.