Quick Day2 summary
Seen so far ...
Topics discussed
Mainly Day 1
- Practical on Virtualbox with Vagrant
- Vagrant Box
- Vagrant automation using scripts
- Networking concepts
- Networking deployment with Internal Network + Nat network
- Networking deployment with HostNetwork + Nat network
- Multi machine configuration
- WSL2 installation on Windwos 10 & Linux WSL deployment
- Docker Desktop
- Automation Introduction to Ansible
- Vocabulary / terms / History / Openstack / Kubernetes
- Docker network & volume
- Docker build & slimming
- Docker push in public repository
- Docker compose
- On a complex deployment
- On a simple based on nodejs + mySQL
- Installation
- Rancher K3S cluster with a master/slave deployment
- K3d to replace minikube & deploy several clusters in parallel
- Not done: RKE & minikube
- Concepts
- Architecture & main components
- Services, NodePort, Ingres Controler, Load balancer
- Deployment
- debugging a kubernetes installation
- Simple application nodeJS + DB MySQL